Installation Art

Blue Skies: Megan Dickie

Opening at the Gallery in June is a body of new work by Victoria-based artist Megan Dickie. Blue Skies features video and sculpture installation that resist easy interpretations.

Minimalism in Singapore: Experiencing More of Less

By Audrey Wang, AGGV Volunteer

The exhibition Minimalism: Space. Light. Object. featured more than 150 works by artists from Europe, America, Australia and Asia, with the intention to document the history of this art movement that continues to inform the visual arts and contemporary practitioners today.

The Art of the Install

As a photographer, installing Fiona Tan: Ascent gave me the chance to think about images and videography in a new light, you know… to step back, reconsider and reimagine. Spending time with Fiona Tan’s work this week has broadened my understanding of the collective importance of Mount Fuji and I am humbled to have been a part of this exhibit. – Corey Bryson, AGGV Preparator/Technician.

Views of Mount Fuji

On March 9, the AGGV celebrates two separate, but related, exhibitions that memorialize Mount Fuji and its manifestations in the Japanese and non-Japanese aesthetic.