Art Terminology


Hitomi Harama, Kimono and Japanese Culture Specialist, shares the meaning of kimono, and how it evolves throughout generations.

Say What? Art Terms For Beginners, Part 21

Inspired by the exhibition Reverberations currently on display at the AGGV, our art glossary this quarter explores terminology found among the artworks in our galleries.

Say What? Art Terms For Beginners, Part 20

Inspired by Howie Tsui’s immersive storytelling video installation, Retainers of Anarchy, that was on exhibition at the AGGV last year, this edition of Art Terms For the Beginner delves into terminology specific to digital art.

Say What? Art Terms For Beginners, Part 19

The current exhibition The Places We Live In considers the many ways artists interpret the natural world around them, from the micro to the macro. The range of works featured here is equally varied! This issue of Art Terms takes a few wide-ranging, unrelated, examples from this exhibition.

Say What? Art Terms For Beginners, Part 18

Buying at auction is one of the ways to acquire artworks. Find out more about this business model by familiarizing yourself with the terminology specific to this part of the art market.

Say What? Art Terms for Beginners, Part 17

Our art terminology article this quarter continues with the theme of the current exhibition, “Blue and White”, with terms like Qingbai, klapmutsen and Delftware.

Say What? Art Terms For Beginners, Part 14

This edition of Art Terms will focus on the various techniques and terminology in printmaking. The AGGV has substantial holdings of prints from North America, Europe and Asia.

Say What? Art Terms For Beginners, Part 12

The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria houses one of the greatest and most diverse Asian art collections in Canada, with works from China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, India, Vietnam and Thailand. In this quarter’s segment of “Art Terms For Beginners”, we will continue to focus on terminology specific to Asian art and culture.