
AGGV Gallery Shop Reading: Get Cozy & Stay Cozy

By John Manson, Gallery Shop Coordinator

Get Cozy and Stay Cozy is the theme of the Gallery Shop Reading list this quarter. A great way to relax and get comfortable amid unpredictable winter weather is to curl up with a good book. These titles are all available in the Gallery Shop and are compelling reads for art lovers to enjoy this winter.

Holding Ground: Intergenerational Legacies of Art and Resilience 

By Nikki Sanchez 

Before a global pandemic sent the world into wave after wave of lockdowns, there was a different wave of change rolling across Canada — a unified solidarity that was shutting down business as usual. It was a wave of solidarity with the Wetsu’wet’en communities of Unist’ot’en and Gidimt’en, who were under military occupation in their own territory as they stood in opposition of the Coastal Gas Pipeline. When Wet’suwet’en matriarchs called for the country to stand in solidarity with them, their call was heard from Vancouver to Winnipeg, Tyendinaga to Tkaranto. 

Serendipitous technologies: a human-human-machine collaboration

By Marina DiMaio, Digital Potentials Advisory Coordinator

Sometimes the projects that we do at the AGGV do not always ‘fit’ within the standard white-cubed gallery spaces you will find in our building on Moss Street. Sometimes our curatorial projects take place in remote communities, deep in the basement archives, in collaboration with other arts institutions, or in this case, within a kind of algorithmic museum!

The AGGV Gallery Shop Reading List

By John Manson, Gallery Shop Coordinator

The theme for this quarter’s reading list is The Passage of Time. Summer passed by rapidly, and now we find ourselves in September, which always marks a time of change.

The AGGV Celebrates Art

By Julia Pauselius, Event Production and Curatorial Projects Supervisor

The AGGV’s 2021 Celebration of Art wrapped successfully this July, thanks to the enthusiasm of the artists and the support from many members of our wonderful community here on Vancouver Island.

Back To School & Back To In-Person Workshops

As we near the end of summer, we are looking forward to going back to school. This fall, the AGGV will be back in the classroom, once again facilitating our popular half-day workshops led by a local music artist, in partnership with UVic’s Indigenous Education Department!

A Creative Community Summer: AGGV Celebration of Art & The TD Artist Guide

By Julia Pauselius, AGGV Supervisor, Event Production and Curatorial Projects

This year, we are able to build on the success of the 2020 TD Artist Guide, and are inviting other arts organizations to share their work and programs with the public, building a month-long series that does what we love to do the most: be creative and share our wealth with one another.