Barry Till

New Acquisitions in the Asian Art Collection: An Interview with Dr. Heng Wu

Currently on show at the AGGV is Collecting & Connecting: Recent Asian Art Acquisitions. It is the first exhibition curated by Dr. Heng Wu as the new Asian Art Curator at the Gallery. We speak to her about this show, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the logistics of display and her vision for the AGGV’s Asian art collection.

The Yin of Art Collecting

by Audrey Wang, AGGV Marketing Volunteer

Perhaps it comes as no surprise that women are now, more than ever, breaking into the traditionally male-dominated role as art collector and patron.

A Legacy of Asian Art

In July, Curator Emeritus Barry Till led the curator’s tour of Remembering A Patron: Asian Art Donations from Dr Judith Patt, to a room full of Asian art enthusiasts and friends of the late Judith Patt.

Barry Till Travels to Cambodia

By Charlene Brown, Gallery Associate

Barry Till, the Gallery’s Asian Art Curator Emeritus, was guest speaker at the May Gallery Associates’ meeting. He spoke about the archaeology of the Khmer Empire, concentrated on the most famous site at Angkor.

Remembering A Patron: Asian Art Donations from Dr. Judith Patt

By Betsy Tumasonis

Judy Patt was a stalwart supporter of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria for decades, contributing time, expertise, money, and works of art.  She frequently delivered public lectures on Asian art at the Gallery. She co-curated the exhibition, “The World Tea Party”, in 2004.

Recent Asian Art Acquisitions

By Barry Till, AGGV Curator Emeritus

The AGGV Asian art department has received a large number of very important donations this past year.  These include a fine collection of ancient ceramics from China, Thailand and Vietnam, from the Estate of the late Canadian Ambassador to Indonesia, William Thomas Delworth; eight impressive and large 18th century Japanese painted six-panel screens of landscapes and calligraphy (one of which was done by one of Japan’s most famous female calligraphers) from Paul Warner of Victoria;  Japanese calligraphy scrolls, numerous Okinawan folk ceramics and a very rare Miao painting album (Cultural Property status) from Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Kazuo Pearson of UBC.

Barry Till Tells All

As Barry Till recently announced his retirement as the Curator of Asian Arts, AGGV staff had some burning questions about […]