By Linda Baker, Gallery Associates

The 2019 Art Gallery House Tour was, in a word, magical. Four generous homeowners and an arts-loving Lieutenant-Governor, eleven inspiring local artists, enthusiastic community support, and 150+ volunteers to guide and engage our guests. It sold out, twice actually, once four days in advance and again on Tour day after more tickets were hurriedly printed.

No matter where you began, the crowds were lining up. Despite the tight quarters at times, and oblivious to the parking spot maneuvering on the surrounding streets, each home was at its best, each quite different from the others: two Arts and Crafts homes, one in Cook St. Village and one in Oak Bay, an ultra-modern owner-designed home on Dallas Road, and two Rattenburys – one on Rockland attributed to him and Government House a few blocks away designed together with Samuel Maclure. Victoria at its best.

But this year it was the diverse and uniquely curated art collections in each home that drew attention, and with such an abundance of space at Government House, the Tour was able to feature more local artists than usual.

Loyal Victoria residents come year after year on the Tour, including many who were visiting Government House for the first time. Their support has helped the Gallery Associates raise more than $573,000 since the tour started 66 years ago, and this year, another $30,000 will be added to that total to help fund Gallery programs, exhibitions, acquisitions, and The NEXT Gallery fundraising.

Feature Image: The ballroom at Government House where four artists displayed their work.