Out of Crisis Comes Collaboration
By Nicole Stanbridge, Curator of Engagement
Field Trip: Art Across Canada is a new online initiative that emerged when galleries and museums across the country closed their doors in the wake of the pandemic.
By Nicole Stanbridge, Curator of Engagement
Field Trip: Art Across Canada is a new online initiative that emerged when galleries and museums across the country closed their doors in the wake of the pandemic.
By Audrey Wang, AGGV Volunteer
Gathered in the Tender Works exhibition gallery in a large circle were the artists – Tiffany Joseph, Farheen Haq, Kerri Flannigan and Chase Joynt – their friends and other visitors. The family, as well as one’s lineage, was a pertinent theme of the evening, even as the question posed to the artists related to the exhibition title: Where does the tenderness come from?
Video installations by artists Rachel Echenberg, Kerri Flannigan, Farheen HaQ, Elisa Harkins, Lisa Jackson, Tiffany Joseph, Chase Joynt, Amanda Strong and Nicholas Vandergugten, invite us to reflect on the different ways in which we might think about tenderness.
At December’s Family Sunday, we were happy to welcome our guests, artist Farheen Haq and her son Cairo, as well as the CBC’s Khalil Akhtar. Through art exploration, performance and food, our guests explored ideas about what it means to come “home”.