It almost seemed like summer was waiting in the wings, anticipating her cue in the spotlight on the day of the TD Art Gallery Paint-In. After a cold and rainy start to the season, the sun came out a-blazing on July 20th, just in time for Victoria’s biggest outdoor art event of the year. The length of Moss Street, from the waterfront to the Art Gallery, thronged with happy people out for the art, the food, and the festive atmosphere.
For the past 32 years, the TD Art Gallery Paint-In has been bringing artists together in order to foster meaningful and authentic connections with the community. The Paint-In has grown to be not only the largest free arts event on Vancouver Island but also a beloved and time-honored event for Victoria residents.
Since it’s inception in 1987, the event has become increasingly multi-faceted. The AGGV Public Open House, Family-Friendly Beer Garden, Imagination Stations, and range of food vendors, community partners, and live music offer something for everyone. Visitors are invited not just to view works of art on display, but to explore their own creative abilities throughout the day.
Art Gallery staff had been preparing for the big event for months and rely on an army of volunteers to help the Paint-In run seamlessly throughout the day. Leading the charge is AGGV Volunteer Coordinator, Emma Hamill, herself a volunteer with the Gallery before joining as a permanent member of staff a few years ago.

“Volunteer coordinating is really about memory making. For me, these memories are easiest to make with Paint-In Volunteers. From the day folks sign up to the orientation and finally the Paint-In, the volunteers quickly become a team. With 150 new and returning volunteers working together to engage, inspire and activate the Victoria arts community, Paint-In becomes a hub of powerful connections. This year, I attribute our success to those who dedicated their time to help us. I hope that for new volunteers this event is the first of many, and for returning volunteers whose years of service may blend together, that they remember it as one of their favourites.”
– Emma Hamill, AGGV Volunteer Coordinator
Are you interested in getting involved at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria? Find out more about volunteering opportunities here.