Over the past year the AGGV Studio has pivoted, reimagined, and adapted its programming to respond to issues arising from the pandemic. Oona McClure (Studio Coordinator & Instructor) and April Caverhill (Studio Instructor) had a little chat about what they enjoy about being part of the AGGV Studio.

By Oona McClure, Studio Coordinator & Instructor, and April Caverhill, Studio Instructor & Family Sunday Coordinator

Blue and White Exhibit Tiles. Image courtesy of AGGV Studio.

Over the past year the AGGV Studio has pivoted, reimagined, and adapted its programming to respond to issues arising from the pandemic. We successfully moved our adult ‘artful’ classes online and have been able to resume running small fun-filled, in-person kids, family and bubble classes with the development of a robust (and creative) safety plan. For summer 2021, we are building upon the idea of making art even apart and continuing to create opportunities to think about how we express ourselves. In addition to an in-person art camp, we have developed a 10 week program called “Invitation to Create” which will be running in partnership with the Celebration of Art summer program.  At the beginning of each week (starting in July) a new ‘invitation’ AKA art-making activity, creative prompt, or opportunity to exercise your expressive imagination will be released. We hope that through these invitations we will be able to connect with families near and far… and continue to celebrate the joy of creative expression, inquiry, discovery, and togetherness. Visit aggv.ca/learn/aggv-studio for more details and follow the hashtag #aggvstudio.

Self portrait silhouettes. Image courtesy of AGGV Studio.

Recently Oona McClure (Studio Coordinator & Instructor) and April Caverhill (Studio Instructor) had a little chat about what they enjoy about being part of the AGGV Studio. They also talked about what they are most excited about for the upcoming summer program “Invitation to Create.” Here are some of their thoughts and reflections.

Q: What do you like about facilitating Studio classes?

April: I appreciate my role as facilitator for studio classes on so many levels! Now that adult classes have temporarily moved online, we talk, laugh and create with just as much enthusiasm as we do at the studio. The gathering of artists for a class or workshop always generates the exciting cross-pollination of ideas. Having the opportunity to help motivate people to create, and to watch these creations grow and change in the hands of students, fills me with energy and joy.

Oona: One of the biggest joys as an instructor is facilitating a concept, idea, prompt, or technique and witnessing a multitude of unique expressions arise. Looking at the various creations that have emerged from the same prompt and seeing the creativity, explorations, and discoveries gives me goosebumps. I am also so lucky to work with many kids time and time again. When they return, I get to see their confidence blossom and their creative abilities flourish; it is a privilege to be part of their creative journey and it truly enriches my job.  

Artful Adult Class artwork. Image courtesy of AGGV Studio.

Q: Which ‘Invitation To Create’ invitation are you most excited about?

April: As an inveterate rock-looker-under I’d say “What’s Up Under There” is especially appealing. Nature is an enthralling art teacher, and what better time than summer to learn what she can show us!

Oona: “What does your imagination look like?” because it’s a wonderful open-ended question which lets your creativity to run wild. It’s also an activity that invites you to use a super fun silhouette process, which may spark some extra creativity. 

AGGV Studio’s Invitation To Create.

Feature Image: Toddler & preschool heart cardboard sculpture, courtesy of AGGV Studio.