

Always interested in biographies of settler women in the Province, I had opportunities to exhibit Sophie Pemberton’s work but never enough time to conduct in-depth research on a woman that I felt had been partially miscast and become stereotyped.

Denyse Thomasos: Odyssey, In Conversation with Gaëtane Verna, Sarah Milroy, and Esi Edugyan

On February 10, 2022 the AGGV hosted a virtual online conversation with the curators of the exhibition Denyse Thomasos: Odyssey, Gaëtane Verna, Director of The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, and Sarah Milroy, chief curator at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection. They were joined by Victoria based award winning novelist Esi Edugyan who contributed to the exhibition publication. This conversation with Verna, Milroy and Edugyan was an opportunity to hear about Thomasos from a range of perspectives.

10 Things To Know About Colour Theory in Art

By Audrey Wang, AGGV Volunteer

Colour theory is a set of fundamental principles for painting that demonstrates the relationship between colours and the physiological impacts of colour combinations. At its most basic, it teaches artists how to combine colours to create other colours. For example, yellow and blue make green.