Month: December 2018

10 Things to Know About Japanese Woodblock Prints

The art of woodblock printing became widespread in Japan during the Edo period (1603-1868) and is best known in the genre of ukiyo-e prints of the period. Prior to this, woodblock printing in Japan was used almost exclusively for reproducing Buddhist texts.

Creative Exploration with Young Learners

By Geneva Noppers, Volunteer Student, UVIC

Through several thought-provoking activities, this fall’s educational workshops centered around a key theme: art is open to interpretation.

The AGGV Studio classes have been a steadfast fixture of the Gallery. With a dynamic range of offerings for all ages, there is something for everyone—including mums!

All Is Well in the AGGV Studio

Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them in the AGGV

The realm of mythical beasts spans every culture and exists in all our folklore. We not only find them in our intangible heritage, but also in contemporary literature, art, film, science and culture. In the AGGV’s extensive collection of European, North American, First Nations and Asian art, a menagerie of fantastic beasts reveal countless stories.

Uncovering Contemporary Art’s Interior Buddhist

By Anita Lahey

In the 1950s, Mark Tobey, a Seattle artist with strong ties to Victoria, championed the work of Japanese-American artists, including Paul Horiuchi, also represented in AGGV’s collection. He later influenced major artists such as Jackson Pollock. As such, he’s a link between Buddhism and 20th Century abstract art.

Granting Buddhist Research: Q&A with AGGV Curator Haema Sivanesan

AGGV Curator Haema Sivanesan is a recent recipient of a Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation research grant in the amount of $150,000. She was also awarded a $50,000 curatorial research fellowship from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. What is Sivanesan working on and why? Hint: it’s infinitely vast with neither a beginning nor an end. Therefore, let’s start with the present moment…

This Conversation is Currently Under Construction

By Ellen Manning, AGGV Marketing Specialist

Over the past few years, we’ve been building a dialogue and creating a verbal infrastructure that will support the weight of a hefty topic: the future of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.

Interactivity in the AGGV: The “Activating Emily” App

Activating Emily is a fun and dynamic educational resource targetted at viewers of all ages. Utilizing both a conventional activity-book format and an interactive mobile app with image recognition technology, the experience of enjoying Carr’s paintings is enhanced through the “activation” of the gallery spaces.