10 Things To Know About Kraak Porcelains

Kraak wares were made in the 17th century by mass production at the Chinese Jingdezhen kilns in Jiangxi province to meet the demands of the Portuguese market, and later the Dutch market.

Say What? Art Terms for Beginners, Part 17

Our art terminology article this quarter continues with the theme of the current exhibition, “Blue and White”, with terms like Qingbai, klapmutsen and Delftware.

An AGGV Studio Chat: With Oona McClure & April Caverhill

Over the past year the AGGV Studio has pivoted, reimagined, and adapted its programming to respond to issues arising from the pandemic. Oona McClure (Studio Coordinator & Instructor) and April Caverhill (Studio Instructor) had a little chat about what they enjoy about being part of the AGGV Studio.

A Creative Community Summer: AGGV Celebration of Art & The TD Artist Guide

By Julia Pauselius, AGGV Supervisor, Event Production and Curatorial Projects

This year, we are able to build on the success of the 2020 TD Artist Guide, and are inviting other arts organizations to share their work and programs with the public, building a month-long series that does what we love to do the most: be creative and share our wealth with one another.

Middle School Students learn to DJ

Over the course of eight weeks, our music exploratory class of 8th grade students at Arbutus Global Middle School have been working in partnership with the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria on a DJ workshop under the guidance of Tera, also known as DJ Nova Jade.