In February 2024, Afroquatics: A Call and Response Below the Surface, an immersive and interactive installation by then City of Victoria Artist in Residence, Kemi Craig, sparked conversations, challenge perceptions, and transported viewers into an experiential underwater landscape.

Gallery Shop Holiday Gift Guide – 2024

With the festive spirit of the season upon us, AGGV Gallery Shop Coordinator (and gift-giver extraordinaire), Andria Winters, is here to spread some cheer with a countdown of 12 delightfully artful gifts from the Gallery shop that are bound to bring joy to your loved ones this year!

Kintsugi: The Art of Mending

In anticipation of our upcoming exhibition, Beauty of Mending: Kintsugi and Beyond, featuring work by “Ceramic Therapist/Kintsugi Artist”, Naoko Fukumaru, Dr. Heng Wu, AGGV Curator of Asian Art tells us about the history of Kintsugi, and why there is so much more to this unique repair technique than meets the eye.

A Spoon Full of Sugar

Holly Timpener will be spending an anticipated 7 hours in the Spencer Mansion foyer of the AGGV, activating the space with a “durational performance that resists normative spoon-fed ideas and perceptions of gender.”

Sanctuary and Light with Miles Lowry

This fall, the Massey Sales Gallery will feature Sanctuary and Light: Paintings by Miles Lowry, courtesy of Art Rental and Sales. Karen Cooper, AGGV Art Rental & Sales Consultant, tells us about how the upcoming Show & Sale came to be and speaks with the multifaceted artist about his work.

80 Years Later: How the AGGV Began – Part 1

This October marks the 80th anniversary of the first meeting of the Vancouver Island chapter of the Canadian Federation of Artists, a historical date long considered the Gallery’s birth date. It was this small but dedicated group that evolved into the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. Part 1 of a 2-part series written by AGGV Administrator, Curatorial and Learning & Engagement, Anu Henderson.